How Many Cold Emails to Send Per Day in 2024

Person sending emails on laptop, calendar in background

Cold emailing can be a powerful tool for reaching new clients or customers, but finding the right number of emails to send each day can be tricky. Sending too few might not get you the results you want, while sending too many can harm your sender reputation and get your emails marked as spam. This article will guide you through understanding how many cold emails to send per day and the factors that influence this number.

Key Takeaways

  • Start with a small number of emails per day, around 10-20, and gradually increase the volume as you monitor engagement and deliverability.
  • Email service providers have various daily sending limits
  • Maintaining a good sender reputation is crucial; avoid high bounce rates and spam complaints to keep your emails out of the spam folder.
  • Using email warmup services can help establish your email address as trustworthy, improving your chances of reaching the inbox.
  • Balancing email quantity with quality is essential; personalized and relevant emails are more likely to engage recipients and avoid spam filters.

Understanding the Importance of Cold Email Volume

Why Volume Matters in Cold Emailing

When it comes to cold emailing, the number of emails you send can significantly impact your success. Sending too few emails might not get you the results you want, while sending too many can harm your sender reputation. It's a balancing act that requires careful planning and execution.

Balancing Quantity and Quality

Finding the right balance between the number of emails sent and the quality of those emails is crucial. High-quality, personalized emails are more likely to be opened and responded to. On the other hand, sending a high volume of low-quality emails can lead to poor engagement and even get your emails marked as spam.

Impact on Sender Reputation

Your sender reputation is a critical factor in email deliverability. If you send too many emails too quickly, you risk being flagged as a spammer. This can severely impact your ability to reach your audience. Estimated volume: typically, one person can send 10 to 20 personalized manual emails per day. This ensures that each email is tailored to the recipient's needs and helps maintain a good sender reputation.

Factors Influencing Daily Cold Email Limits

Email Service Provider Restrictions

Different email service providers (ESPs) have various daily sending limits. For instance, a free Gmail account allows up to 500 emails per day, while a paid account can send up to 2,000 emails. Choosing the right ESP based on your needs is crucial. However, with MX Suite's unlimited email sending, you can scale your campaigns without worrying about these restrictions. Here are some common limits:

Email Service Provider Daily Sending Limit
Yahoo! 500 emails
Office 365 10,000 emails
Outlook 300 emails
Mailgun 300 emails
ProtonMail 150 emails
MX Suite Unlimited emails

Sender Reputation and History

Your sender reputation is like a credit score for your email account. A good reputation means your emails are more likely to reach the inbox. Factors affecting your reputation include low spam complaints and high engagement rates. Maintaining a good sender reputation is essential for successful cold email campaigns.

Industry-Specific Considerations

Different industries have different norms and regulations regarding email outreach. For example, the tech industry might be more lenient compared to the healthcare sector. Always consider industry-specific guidelines to avoid potential pitfalls.

Understanding these factors can help you optimize your cold email strategy and prevent your emails from going to spam. Balancing these elements ensures better deliverability and engagement.

Best Practices for Sending Cold Emails

Starting with a Warmup Period

When beginning a cold email campaign, it's crucial to start with a warmup period. This helps build a positive sender reputation and ensures your emails land in the inbox rather than the spam folder. You can manually warm up your inbox, but using an email warmup service can automate the process and save you time.

Gradually Increasing Email Volume

Avoid sending too many emails too soon. Start by sending a small number of emails each day and gradually increase the volume. This approach helps you avoid being flagged as spam by email service providers. For example, you might start with 10 emails per day and increase by 5-10 emails daily over the first month.

Monitoring Engagement and Feedback

Keep an eye on how recipients are engaging with your emails. Monitor open rates, click-through rates, and responses. This feedback is essential for adjusting your strategy and improving your campaign's effectiveness. If you notice a drop in engagement, it might be time to tweak your email content or targeting strategy.

Remember, the goal is to build a positive sender reputation and ensure your emails are relevant and valuable to your recipients.

Tools and Services to Optimize Cold Email Campaigns

Email Warmup Services

Using an email warmup service can help you avoid the spam folder. These services gradually increase the number of emails sent from your account each day. This helps build your sender reputation without much effort on your part. Some popular email warmup services include and MX Suite. They automate the process, making it easier for you to focus on other tasks.

Automation Tools

Automation tools are essential for scaling your cold email campaigns. They allow you to send personalized emails at scale, track responses, and manage follow-ups. Tools like Klenty and Mailshake offer features such as list scrubbing, email sequencing, and multichannel outreach. These tools help you maintain a balance between quantity and quality.

Analytics and Reporting Tools

Monitoring the performance of your cold email campaigns is crucial. Analytics and reporting tools provide insights into open rates, click-through rates, and response rates. This data helps you refine your strategies and improve engagement. Tools like Litmus and Mail-Tester can also check your emails for spammy content before you hit send, ensuring better deliverability.

Consistency and patience are key to achieving effective results in cold email campaigns. Gradually increasing your email volume while monitoring engagement metrics can lead to long-term success.

Common Mistakes to Avoid in Cold Emailing

When it comes to cold emailing, there are several common mistakes that can hinder your success. Avoiding these pitfalls can help you achieve better results and maintain a healthy sender reputation.

Sending Too Many Emails Too Soon

One of the biggest mistakes is sending a large volume of emails right away. This can trigger spam filters and damage your sender reputation. Start with a smaller number of emails and gradually increase the volume as your reputation improves.

Ignoring Spam Filters and Regulations

Spam filters are designed to protect recipients from unwanted emails. Ignoring these filters and regulations can result in your emails being marked as spam. Use a spam checker to ensure your content is compliant and avoid using words and phrases commonly associated with spam, such as "free," "guaranteed," and "act now."

Neglecting Personalization and Relevance

Sending generic emails that lack personalization can lead to low engagement rates. Personalize your emails by including the recipient's name and relevant information. This shows that you have done your homework and increases the chances of your email being read.

Personalizing your cold email content is crucial for connecting with your audience and improving engagement rates.

Case Studies and Real-World Examples

Successful Cold Email Campaigns

  1. Allakando Email Marketing Case Study: Allakando managed to remain personal while interacting with a large audience. This approach led to a significant increase in engagement and conversions.
  2. ECS Publishing Group: By focusing on contact list management, ECS Publishing Group saw a notable improvement in their email marketing results.

Lessons from Failed Campaigns

  1. Overloading Recipients: One company sent too many emails too soon, leading to a high unsubscribe rate and complaints. This negatively impacted their sender reputation.
  2. Ignoring Personalization: Another campaign failed because the emails were too generic. Recipients felt like just another name on an email list, resulting in low engagement.

Industry Benchmarks and Standards

Industry Average Open Rate Average Click-Through Rate
Technology 20% 3%
Retail 15% 2.5%
Healthcare 25% 4%
Bold: Personalization is critical in cold email campaigns. It shows that the email is specifically written for the recipient, increasing the chances of engagement.

By learning from both successful and failed campaigns, you can better understand what works and what doesn't in cold emailing. This knowledge can help you craft more effective emails and improve your overall strategy.

Tips for Maintaining a Healthy Sender Reputation

Maintaining a healthy sender reputation is crucial for ensuring your cold emails reach the inbox and not the spam folder. Here are some essential tips to help you keep your sender reputation in good standing:

Regularly Cleaning Your Email List

To keep your sender reputation high, regularly clean your email list. Remove invalid addresses, spam traps, and inactive subscribers. This helps reduce bounce rates and ensures you're only emailing engaged recipients.

Ensuring High-Quality Content

Always provide high-quality, relevant content in your emails. Personalize your messages to make them more engaging and less likely to be marked as spam. Remember, engaging with recipients is crucial for boosting your reputation.

Responding to Complaints and Feedback

Pay attention to complaints and feedback from your recipients. If someone marks your email as spam or provides negative feedback, address the issue promptly. This can help you avoid further damage to your sender reputation.

A good sender reputation is like a credit score for your email marketing. It determines whether your emails get delivered to the inbox or the spam folder. Keeping it high is essential for the success of your cold email campaigns.

Maintaining a healthy sender reputation is crucial for your email marketing success. To ensure your emails land in the inbox and not the spam folder, follow best practices like regular list cleaning and monitoring your email metrics. For more tips and tools to boost your email deliverability, visit our website.


In the end, finding the right number of cold emails to send each day is all about balance. Start small, with around 10-20 emails daily, and gradually increase as you monitor your results. Remember, it's not just about the quantity but also the quality of your emails. Make sure they are personalized and relevant to your recipients. By taking a measured approach and keeping an eye on your sender reputation, you can avoid spam filters and improve your chances of success. Happy emailing!

Frequently Asked Questions

How many cold emails should I send per day when starting out?

It's best to start with 10-20 emails per day if you're new to cold emailing. Gradually increase the number as your sender reputation improves.

What is email warmup and why is it important?

Email warmup is the process of gradually increasing the number of emails sent from a new email address to build a good sender reputation. This helps avoid spam filters.

How do email service provider limits affect my cold email campaigns?

Email service providers have daily sending limits. For example, Gmail allows up to 500 emails per day, while Google Workspace allows up to 2,000. Exceeding these limits can trigger spam filters. However, using MX Suite, which offers unlimited email sending, allows you to bypass these constraints and scale your campaigns without worrying about hitting a cap.

What happens if I send too many cold emails too quickly?

Sending too many emails too quickly can harm your sender reputation and lead to your emails being marked as spam. It's important to increase your email volume gradually.

Can I use my own domain for cold emailing?

Yes, you can use your own domain, but if your domain has a poor reputation, it might take longer to see good results. Starting with a new domain may be more effective.

What are the best practices for maintaining a healthy sender reputation?

Regularly clean your email list, ensure high-quality content, and respond to complaints and feedback promptly. These practices help maintain a good sender reputation.
