How I Transform Phone Meeting Success Into 100% Effective Email Outreach

How I Transform Phone Meeting Success Into 100% Effective Email Outreach

Ever noticed this common scenario?

People adept at setting up meetings over the phone hit a roadblock when it comes to email communication. And the mystery behind this predicament often leaves them scratching their heads.

But here’s the thing: If you've mastered booking meetings via phone calls, the art of email correspondence might not be as elusive as it seems.

Here's how to bridge the gap:

Firstly, if you're consistently successful at booking phone meetings, you're likely targeting the right audience. So, that's one hurdle cleared.

Secondly, scrutinize your email open rates. If they're comfortably above a decent benchmark (let’s say 40% or more), chances are your emails are landing where they should—in the recipient’s inbox. So, tick off the deliverability concern.

Now, onto the crucial part: What if your emails are being opened but met with silence?

That silence speaks volumes—it hints at hidden objections simmering beneath the surface, objections you haven’t addressed.

To unearth these hidden objections, put yourself in your prospect’s shoes. Visualize them opening your email, scanning its contents, and then deciding to hit ‘delete’.

List down all the potential reasons behind that delete click.

Chances are, the answers lie within your previous cold calls.

What objections cropped up frequently during those calls? These are the very objections you need to tackle head-on in your emails.

But here’s the catch: I’m not referring to the run-of-the-mill excuses like “too busy”, “not interested”, or “call me back later”.

I’m talking about the genuine hurdles, such as “we’re already committed to X solution”, “this isn’t our top priority at the moment”, or simply confusion regarding your product’s functionality.

These are likely the culprits behind the lack of response.

Your strategy? Address these objections upfront in your emails:

  • “Chances are, you’re already using X…”
  • “We often find that this concern isn’t important right now…”

The challenge with email lies in the limited feedback loop. Unlike phone calls, where conversations yield real-time responses, emails can often feel like shouting into a void—if they don’t resonate, they simply go unanswered... haha.

In a nutshell: Follow the trail of success. If emails aren’t yielding results but phone calls are, invest your efforts in dissecting why the phone approach works and then mirror that success in your email strategy by preemptively tackling hidden objections.
