4 Emails: A Simplified Outbound Strategy

4 Emails: A Simplified Outbound Strategy

Long gone are the days of inundating prospects with 32-step sequences, only to find ourselves relegated to the dreaded SPAM folder.

Here's the strategy:

4 emails split across 2 threads.

The first email centers around one key value proposition, followed by a reply email. Repeat this process a week later in a new thread.

First Email Example:

Keep it straightforward. Offer a relevant insight, pose a question, present your value proposition, and include a soft call to action.

Subject: SKO
Hi Sarah,
It seems like your team is experiencing rapid growth.
How are you tackling SKO planning for all your new AEs?
We specialize in assisting sales leaders with everything from destination selection to flights, meals, and events.
Simply input your team size and budget, and we'll provide you with all your options in seconds.
Are you interested in learning more?

Reply Email Example:

Avoid generic phrases like "any thoughts" and ensure your content remains pertinent, especially if the recipient missed your initial email.

Hey Sarah,
With Q4 in full swing, I imagine SKO planning is top of mind for you.
Did you have any thoughts on my previous email?

That's the essence of it.

If there's one lesson I've gleaned, it's this: if you can't secure a meeting with 4 emails, bombarding prospects with more won't yield results. Instead, it'll likely land you in the SPAM folder, tanking your open rates.

And that's a scenario nobody wants.
